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Spring Craft Ideas For Preschoolers On Pinterest

Spring is a wonderful time of year for preschoolers to explore nature and embrace their creativity. One of the best places to find inspiration for spring crafts is on Pinterest. Here are some fun and easy craft ideas you can try with your preschoolers.

1. Flowerpot Painting

Flowerpot Painting

Painting flowerpots is a great way to get your preschoolers excited about gardening. You can buy small terracotta pots and let your preschoolers decorate them with paint, stickers, or even glitter. Once the pots are dry, you can plant some flowers or herbs in them and watch them grow.

2. Paper Plate Sun Catchers

Paper Plate Sun Catchers

Make beautiful sun catchers with paper plates and tissue paper. Cut out the center of the paper plate and let your preschoolers glue different colors of tissue paper onto the back of the plate. You can hang the sun catchers in a window to catch the light.

3. Butterfly Handprint Art

Butterfly Handprint Art

Trace your preschooler's hands onto a piece of paper and cut them out. Then, let your preschoolers decorate the hands to look like butterflies. You can add pipe cleaners for antennae and glue them onto a background to create beautiful art.

4. Egg Carton Flowers

Egg Carton Flowers

Save egg cartons to make beautiful flowers with your preschoolers. Cut the cups out of the carton and let your preschoolers decorate them with paint, markers, or stickers. You can then glue the cups onto a piece of paper or cardboard and add stems and leaves.

5. Rainbow Wind Chimes

Rainbow Wind Chimes

Make a colorful wind chime with paper cups, paint, and string. Let your preschoolers paint the cups in different colors of the rainbow and then punch holes in the bottom of each cup. Thread string through each cup and tie them to a stick or dowel to create a beautiful wind chime.

6. Bubble Wrap Prints

Bubble Wrap Prints

Use bubble wrap to create unique prints with your preschoolers. Cut out shapes from the bubble wrap and let your preschoolers dip them in paint and stamp them onto paper. You can experiment with different colors and shapes to create beautiful artwork.

7. Ladybug Rocks

Ladybug Rocks

Paint rocks to look like ladybugs with your preschoolers. You can use red and black paint to create the classic ladybug look and then add spots and antennae with a marker. You can then place the ladybugs in your garden or use them as paperweights.

8. Tissue Paper Flowers

Tissue Paper Flowers

Create beautiful flowers with tissue paper and pipe cleaners. Cut out circles from tissue paper and stack them on top of each other. Then, fold the stack in half and twist a pipe cleaner around the center to create a stem. Finally, fluff out the tissue paper to create a beautiful flower.

9. Spring Bird Feeder

Spring Bird Feeder

Make a bird feeder with your preschoolers to attract birds to your yard. You can use a pinecone, peanut butter, and birdseed to create a simple feeder. Let your preschoolers spread peanut butter onto the pinecone and then roll it in birdseed. You can then hang the feeder from a tree or birdhouse.

10. Popsicle Stick Puppets

Popsicle Stick Puppets

Create fun puppets with popsicle sticks and construction paper. Let your preschoolers decorate the sticks with markers or paint and then cut out shapes from the construction paper to create faces and bodies. You can then use the puppets to act out stories or put on a puppet show.


Spring is a wonderful time of year for preschoolers to explore their creativity and learn about nature. With these fun and easy craft ideas from Pinterest, you can help your preschoolers create beautiful art while having fun. So, grab some supplies and get crafting!

Related video of Spring Craft Ideas for Preschoolers on Pinterest