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The Craft Of Scientific Writing Michael Alley Pdf

Scientific Writing


Writing a scientific paper is not an easy task, and many scientists struggle to communicate their research effectively. However, with the right approach and techniques, anyone can learn the craft of scientific writing. One of the best resources for scientific writing is the book "The Craft of Scientific Writing" by Michael Alley. This article will explore the key concepts and lessons from the book.

Who is Michael Alley?

Michael Alley is an associate professor of engineering communication at Pennsylvania State University. He has written several books on scientific writing, including "The Craft of Scientific Writing" and "The Craft of Scientific Presentations." He is also the founder of the workshop series "Designing Effective Scientific Presentations."

Michael Alley

What is "The Craft of Scientific Writing"?

"The Craft of Scientific Writing" is a guidebook for scientists who want to improve their writing skills. The book covers a wide range of topics, including how to structure a paper, how to write clear and concise sentences, and how to use visual aids effectively. The book also addresses common mistakes that scientists make in their writing, such as using jargon and passive voice.

The Importance of Structure

One of the key concepts in "The Craft of Scientific Writing" is the importance of structure. Alley argues that a well-structured paper is essential for communicating scientific research effectively. He recommends that scientists follow a three-part structure for their papers: introduction, body, and conclusion.

Scientific Paper Structure

In the introduction, the scientist should provide background information on the research question and explain the significance of the study. In the body, the scientist should present the methods, results, and analysis of the study. In the conclusion, the scientist should summarize the key findings and their implications for the field.

The Power of Active Voice

Another important concept in "The Craft of Scientific Writing" is the use of active voice. Alley argues that using active voice makes scientific writing more engaging and easier to understand. In active voice, the subject of the sentence performs the action, while in passive voice, the subject receives the action.

Active Voice Vs Passive Voice

For example, consider the following sentence:

Passive voice: The experiment was conducted by the researchers.

Active voice: The researchers conducted the experiment.

The active voice sentence is more concise and easier to understand than the passive voice sentence.

Visual Aids

Alley also emphasizes the importance of visual aids in scientific writing. Visual aids, such as graphs, charts, and tables, can help scientists communicate their research more effectively. However, it is important to use visual aids correctly. Alley provides several tips for using visual aids effectively, including:

  • Make sure the visual aid supports the text
  • Keep the visual aid simple and easy to read
  • Label the visual aid clearly
Scientific Visual Aids

Common Mistakes

In "The Craft of Scientific Writing," Alley also addresses common mistakes that scientists make in their writing. These include:

  • Using jargon or technical terms that are not widely understood
  • Using passive voice instead of active voice
  • Using long, complex sentences
  • Not providing enough context or background information

By avoiding these mistakes, scientists can communicate their research more effectively and reach a wider audience.


"The Craft of Scientific Writing" is an invaluable resource for scientists who want to improve their writing skills. The book covers a wide range of topics, from structure to visual aids to common mistakes. By following the lessons and techniques in the book, scientists can communicate their research more effectively and make a greater impact in their field.

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