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The Craft Of Writing Science Fiction That Sells

Science Fiction Books

Science fiction is a genre that has been popular for decades, and it continues to be a favorite among readers of all ages. However, writing science fiction that sells is not an easy task. It takes a lot of creativity, research, and planning to create a compelling story that captures the reader's attention and keeps them engaged from start to finish. In this article, we will explore the craft of writing science fiction that sells and provide tips on how to create a successful science fiction novel.

Know Your Audience

Science Fiction Readers

Before you start writing, it's essential to know your audience. Who are you writing for? What are their interests? What do they expect from a science fiction novel? Understanding your readers is crucial when crafting a story that will resonate with them.

Create a Believable World

Science Fiction Worlds

The world you create in your science fiction novel must be believable. It should have a set of rules that govern how things work, and those rules should make sense. Readers will quickly lose interest if the world you create is inconsistent or illogical.

Science Matters

Science Fiction Science

Science is an integral part of the science fiction genre. It's essential to research and understand the science behind the technology or concepts you're including in your story. Your readers will expect accuracy and attention to detail, so make sure you get it right.

Characters Are Key

Science Fiction Characters

Your characters are the heart and soul of your story. They should be relatable, well-developed, and have their own unique personalities. Readers should be invested in your characters and care about their journey.

Conflict and Tension

Science Fiction Conflict

Conflict and tension are crucial to any story, and science fiction is no exception. Your story should have a central conflict that drives the narrative forward and creates tension.

Plot and Pacing

Science Fiction Plot

Your plot should be well thought out and structured, with a clear beginning, middle, and end. The pacing of your story should keep the reader engaged and build towards a satisfying conclusion.


Science Fiction Dialogue

Dialogue is an essential part of any novel, and science fiction is no exception. Your characters should have their own unique voices, and their dialogue should be natural and flow well.

Technology and World Building

Science Fiction Technology

The technology you include in your story should fit within the world you've created. It should be believable and have a purpose within the story. Your world-building should be detailed and immersive, with a rich history and culture.

Editing and Revision

Science Fiction Revision

Editing and revision are crucial when it comes to writing a successful science fiction novel. You should edit your work for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as for plot holes and inconsistencies. Revision allows you to refine your story and make it the best it can be.


Writing science fiction that sells is a challenging but rewarding task. By following these tips and focusing on creating a believable world, well-developed characters, and a compelling plot, you can craft a successful science fiction novel that will capture the reader's imagination and keep them engaged from start to finish.

Related video of The Craft Of Writing Science Fiction That Sells