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The Writing On The Wall Analyze Craft And Structure

Have you ever wondered what makes a good piece of writing? What separates a mediocre essay from a masterpiece? The answer lies in the craft and structure of the writing. In this article, we will explore the importance of analyzing craft and structure in writing and how it can help you become a better writer.

What is Craft?

Writing Craft

Craft in writing refers to the techniques and skills used to create a piece of writing. It involves the careful selection of words, sentence structure, and the use of literary devices such as imagery, metaphor, and simile. A writer with good craft can create a piece that is both engaging and memorable.

The Importance of Craft

Importance Of Craft In Writing

Good craft is essential for effective communication. It allows writers to convey their ideas clearly and effectively to their readers. A piece of writing with poor craft can be confusing, unengaging, and easily forgettable. Therefore, writers must pay attention to their craft in order to produce high-quality writing.

Elements of Craft

Elements Of Writing Craft

There are several elements of craft that writers must pay attention to. These include:

  • Vocabulary
  • Sentence structure
  • Tone
  • Point of view
  • Literary devices
  • Dialogue

What is Structure?

Writing Structure

Structure in writing refers to the overall organization of a piece of writing. It involves the arrangement of ideas, the flow of the narrative, and the use of paragraphs and headings. Good structure helps readers follow the writer's ideas and understand the purpose of the writing.

The Importance of Structure

Importance Of Structure In Writing

Structure is critical in writing because it helps writers convey their ideas effectively. Without structure, a piece of writing can be confusing and difficult to follow. Good structure helps readers understand the purpose of the writing and allows them to engage with the ideas presented.

Elements of Structure

Elements Of Writing Structure

There are several elements of structure that writers must pay attention to. These include:

  • Introduction
  • Body
  • Conclusion
  • Paragraphs
  • Headings and subheadings
  • Transitions

Analyzing Craft and Structure

Analyzing Craft And Structure

Analyzing craft and structure involves closely examining a piece of writing to understand how the writer has used craft and structure to convey their ideas. This process can help writers identify areas for improvement in their own writing and learn from the techniques used by other writers.

Steps for Analyzing Craft and Structure

Steps For Analyzing Craft And Structure

The following steps can be used when analyzing craft and structure:

  1. Read the piece of writing carefully.
  2. Identify the craft elements used by the writer.
  3. Examine the structure of the writing.
  4. Consider how the writer has used craft and structure to convey their ideas.
  5. Identify areas for improvement in your own writing based on what you have learned.


Analyzing craft and structure is an essential tool for writers who want to improve their writing. By paying attention to the elements of craft and structure, writers can create pieces that are engaging, memorable, and effective in conveying their ideas. So, the next time you read a piece of writing, take some time to analyze the craft and structure used by the writer, and see what you can learn from it.

Related video of The Writing On The Wall: Analyzing Craft and Structure