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El Alfarero Letra Y Acordes Evan Craft

El Alfarero Letra Y Acordes Evan Craft


"El Alfarero" is a song by Evan Craft that has become very popular among the Christian community. The song is all about how God is the potter and we are the clay. The lyrics are in Spanish, and the song has a very catchy tune. In this article, we will take a closer look at the lyrics and chords of this amazing song.


The lyrics of "El Alfarero" are very meaningful and inspiring. The song talks about how God is the potter and we are the clay. The chorus goes like this:

"Como el barro en tus manos, oh Dios
Hazme ser lo que quieres de mí
Moldea mi vida, Señor
Como al alfarero al barro, yo soy"

This translates to:

"Like clay in your hands, oh God
Make me be what you want me to be
Mold my life, Lord
Like the potter to the clay, I am"

The rest of the song talks about how we need to surrender ourselves to God and let Him mold us into the people He wants us to be.


The chords to "El Alfarero" are quite simple, and the song is easy to play on the guitar. The chords are:

Verse: G, C, D
Chorus: G, C, D

That's it! Just repeat the verse and chorus throughout the song.


"El Alfarero" is a beautiful song that reminds us of the power of God and His ability to mold us into the people He wants us to be. The lyrics are inspiring, and the tune is catchy. The chords are easy to play, making it a great song for beginners to learn. If you haven't heard this song yet, give it a listen, and let it inspire you to surrender yourself to God.

Meta Description

Learn the lyrics and chords of "El Alfarero" by Evan Craft, a beautiful song that talks about how God is the potter and we are the clay. The song is easy to play on the guitar, making it a great song for beginners to learn.

Meta Keywords

El Alfarero, Evan Craft, Letra, Acordes, Spanish Christian song, guitar chords

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