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Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Craft

Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread Craft


Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread is a well-known phrase from the Lord's Prayer, and it has inspired many crafts and activities. The phrase reminds us of our daily needs and the importance of gratitude. In this article, we will explore some creative ways to incorporate this phrase into crafts and activities for children.

Bread Clay

Bread Clay

Bread clay is a simple and fun craft that children of all ages can enjoy. It is made with just two ingredients: bread and white glue. To make bread clay, you will need to tear up some bread into small pieces and mix it with white glue until it forms a clay-like consistency. Children can then shape the bread clay into different forms, such as a loaf of bread or a slice of toast. This craft is a great way to teach children about the importance of bread and how it is made.

Bread Collage

Bread Collage

A bread collage is a fun and creative way to explore different types of bread. Children can cut out pictures of different breads from magazines or print them from the internet. They can then glue the pictures onto a piece of paper to create a collage. This activity can be a great way to introduce children to different cultural foods and traditions.

Bread Recipe Book

Bread Recipe Book

A bread recipe book is a great way to teach children about different types of bread and how they are made. Children can research different bread recipes from around the world and create a recipe book. They can include pictures of the bread, the ingredients, and the steps to make it. This activity can also be a great way to teach children about measurement and following instructions.

Bread Tasting

Bread Tasting

A bread tasting is a fun and interactive activity that children can enjoy. Children can taste different types of bread, such as white bread, whole wheat bread, and sourdough bread. They can discuss the different flavors and textures of each bread and vote on their favorite. This activity can be a great way to teach children about different types of bread and the importance of trying new things.

Bread Art

Bread Art

Bread art is a creative way to make art using bread. Children can use different types of bread, such as white bread or pita bread, to create different shapes and designs. They can then paint the bread with food coloring to create a colorful masterpiece. This activity can be a great way to encourage creativity and imagination.

Bread Sculptures

Bread Sculptures

Bread sculptures are a fun and unique way to create art using bread. Children can use different types of bread, such as bagels or croissants, to create different shapes and designs. They can then glue the bread pieces together to create a sculpture. This activity can be a great way to encourage children to think outside the box and use their imaginations.

Bread Making

Bread Making

Bread making is a fun and educational activity that children can enjoy. Children can learn about the different ingredients that go into making bread and the science behind how bread rises. They can also knead the dough and shape it into different forms, such as a loaf or a roll. This activity can be a great way to teach children about the importance of following instructions and the patience required to make bread.

Bread Puppets

Bread Puppets

Bread puppets are a fun and creative way to make puppets using bread. Children can use different types of bread, such as hot dog buns or rolls, to create the puppets. They can then add features, such as eyes and a mouth, using other food items, such as raisins or carrots. This activity can be a great way to encourage creativity and imagination.

Bread Mosaics

Bread Mosaics

Bread mosaics are a fun and unique way to create art using bread. Children can use different types of bread, such as white bread or pita bread, to create different shapes and designs. They can then arrange the bread pieces into a mosaic pattern. This activity can be a great way to encourage creativity and imagination.


Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread crafts and activities are a great way to teach children about the importance of gratitude and the role that bread plays in our daily lives. These crafts and activities are fun, creative, and educational, and they can be enjoyed by children of all ages. Whether you are making bread clay or creating a bread recipe book, these activities are sure to inspire children and spark their imaginations.

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