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Jesus And The Miraculous Catch Of Fish Craft

Jesus And The Miraculous Catch Of Fish Craft


Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish is a popular Bible story that is loved by many children. The story is a reminder of how Jesus can perform miracles and how we can trust in Him to provide for us. This story is great for teaching children about faith, obedience, and the power of God.

The Story

The story of Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish is found in the Bible, in the book of Luke, chapter 5, verses 1-11. The story goes that Jesus was preaching to a crowd of people by the Sea of Galilee. He saw two boats by the shore, and he got into one of them, which belonged to Simon Peter.

Jesus asked Simon to push the boat out a little from the shore so he could continue preaching to the crowd. After he finished preaching, he told Simon to go out into deeper water and let down his nets for a catch of fish.

Jesus Preaching To The Crowd By The Sea Of Galilee

The Miracle

Simon was hesitant to do what Jesus had asked. He had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. But, he decided to obey Jesus and let down his nets anyway. When he did, he caught so many fish that his nets began to break and his boat began to sink.

Simon was amazed at what had happened and fell down at Jesus' feet, saying, "Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" But Jesus told him not to be afraid and that from now on, he would catch people instead of fish.

Simon Catching So Many Fish That His Nets Began To Break And His Boat Began To Sink

The Craft

This story is perfect for a fun and easy craft that can be done with children. To make a Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish craft, you will need:

  • Blue construction paper
  • Green construction paper
  • Yellow construction paper
  • White construction paper
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • Markers or crayons

First, cut out a large fish shape from the blue construction paper. Cut out several small fish shapes from the yellow construction paper. Cut out a boat shape from the green construction paper, and a Jesus shape from the white construction paper.

Glue the boat onto the blue construction paper, towards the bottom. Glue the large fish onto the paper, near the boat. Glue the small fish around the large fish. Glue Jesus onto the boat.

Use markers or crayons to add details to the boat, fish, and Jesus. You can add waves, fish scales, and even a sun or clouds in the sky.

Jesus And The Miraculous Catch Of Fish Craft


The story of Jesus and the miraculous catch of fish is a wonderful reminder of the power of God and His ability to perform miracles. It is a great story to share with children, and the craft is a fun way to reinforce the message. By teaching children about faith, obedience, and trust in God, we can help them grow in their spiritual journey.

Related video of Jesus And The Miraculous Catch Of Fish Craft