Jesus Heals The Man With Leprosy Craft
The Story of Jesus Healing The Man With Leprosy
The story of Jesus healing the man with leprosy is one of the most powerful stories in the Bible. It is a story of compassion, love, and healing. According to the Bible, Jesus was in a town when a man with leprosy approached him. The man fell to his knees and begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus was moved with compassion and reached out his hand to touch the man.
When Jesus touched the man, he was instantly healed. The leprosy disappeared, and the man was restored to health. Jesus told the man to go and show himself to the priest so that he could be declared clean. The man obeyed Jesus and went to the priest, who declared him clean.
The Significance of the Story
The story of Jesus healing the man with leprosy is significant for several reasons. First, it demonstrates the power of Jesus to heal. Jesus was able to heal the man with a simple touch, showing that he was more than just a man but also the Son of God.
Second, the story shows Jesus' compassion and love for all people, regardless of their condition. Leprosy was a disease that was feared and shunned by society, and those who had it were often ostracized. Jesus, however, did not turn away from the man with leprosy but instead reached out to him with love and compassion.
The Jesus Heals The Man With Leprosy Craft
The Jesus heals the man with leprosy craft is a great way to teach children about this powerful story. To make the craft, you will need the following materials:
- Construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue
- Markers or crayons
- Cotton balls
To make the craft, follow these steps:
- Draw a picture of Jesus on a piece of construction paper.
- Draw a picture of a man with leprosy on another piece of construction paper.
- Cut out the pictures.
- Glue the picture of the man with leprosy onto the picture of Jesus, so that Jesus is touching the man.
- Glue cotton balls onto the man's body to represent the leprosy.
- Use markers or crayons to color in the pictures.
The Jesus heals the man with leprosy craft is a great way to teach children about the power of Jesus to heal and his compassion for all people.
The story of Jesus healing the man with leprosy is a powerful reminder of Jesus' compassion and love for all people. The Jesus heals the man with leprosy craft is a great way to teach children about this story and help them understand the significance of Jesus' healing power.