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Parable Of The Lost Coin Craft Activities

Parable Of The Lost Coin Craft Activities


The Parable of the Lost Coin is a story that Jesus told in the Bible. It is a story about a woman who loses a valuable coin and searches for it until she finds it. This parable is a great lesson for children to learn about the importance of searching for things that are lost and the joy that comes when they are found.

Coin Craft Activities

There are many fun craft activities that you can do with children to teach them about the Parable of the Lost Coin. Here are a few ideas:

1. Coin Rubbing

Coin Rubbing

Give children some paper and crayons and have them place a coin under the paper. They can then rub the crayon over the paper to reveal the outline of the coin. Talk to them about how the woman in the parable searched diligently for her lost coin.

2. Coin Toss

Coin Toss

Set up a target on the ground and have children toss coins onto the target. For each successful toss, they can earn a prize or reward. Talk to them about how the woman in the parable was overjoyed when she found her lost coin.

3. Coin Sorting

Coin Sorting

Give children a pile of coins and have them sort them by size, color, or country of origin. Talk to them about how the woman in the parable searched until she found her lost coin.


The Parable of the Lost Coin is a great lesson for children to learn about the importance of searching for things that are lost and the joy that comes when they are found. These craft activities are a fun way to teach this lesson and help children remember it for years to come.

Related video of Parable Of The Lost Coin Craft Activities