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Parable Of The Wedding Feast Craft Ideas

The Parable of the Wedding Feast is a story told by Jesus in the New Testament. It is about a king who invites guests to his son's wedding feast, but they all make excuses and refuse to come. The king then invites anyone he can find, good or bad, to fill the banquet hall. The moral of the story is that God's kingdom is open to everyone, not just a select few.

Wedding Feast Invitation Cards

Wedding Feast Invitation Cards

A great craft idea to teach children about the Parable of the Wedding Feast is to make invitation cards. Provide children with blank cardstock and let them create their own wedding invitations. Encourage them to use their imagination and creativity to make the cards special. Include a message about the story of the Wedding Feast and how it relates to God's love for everyone.

Banquet Table Decorations

Banquet Table Decorations

Another craft idea is to create banquet table decorations. Using materials such as construction paper, glue, and markers, children can create their own table centerpieces. Encourage them to make each centerpiece unique and representative of the story. For example, they could make a paper crown for the king or a wedding bell for the wedding.

Wedding Feast Storybook

Wedding Feast Storybook

A great way to teach the Parable of the Wedding Feast is to make a storybook. Provide children with blank paper and ask them to draw pictures of the different parts of the story. Then, help them write a short sentence or two about each picture. Bind the pages together to create a storybook that can be read and shared with others.

Wedding Feast Puppets

Wedding Feast Puppets

Children love to play with puppets, so creating Wedding Feast puppets is a great craft idea. Using socks, felt, and markers, children can create their own puppets to represent the different characters in the story. They can then use their puppets to act out the story and share it with others.

Wedding Feast Snack

Wedding Feast Snack

A fun and tasty craft idea is to create a Wedding Feast snack. Using ingredients such as grapes, cheese, and crackers, children can create their own wedding feast platters. Encourage them to make the platters beautiful and representative of the story. As they enjoy their snack, you can discuss the story and its meaning.


The Parable of the Wedding Feast is a powerful story that teaches us about God's love and inclusivity. By using these craft ideas, we can help children understand the story and its message in a fun and engaging way. These crafts can be used in Sunday School classes, Vacation Bible School, or at home with your family. Let's use our creativity to teach and share the message of the Wedding Feast with others.

Related video of Parable Of The Wedding Feast Craft Ideas