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10 Plagues Of Egypt Sunday School Craft

10 Plagues Of Egypt

The story of the Ten Plagues of Egypt is one of the most well-known stories in the Bible. It tells of how God sent ten plagues upon Egypt to force Pharaoh to free the Israelites from slavery. Sunday schools can use this story to teach children about God's power and love. Here are ten crafts that you can do with your Sunday school class to help teach this important lesson.

1. Frogs

Frog Crafts For Kids

The second plague was a swarm of frogs that covered the land. Children can make their own frogs out of paper plates, green construction paper, and googly eyes. They can also decorate their frogs with glitter, sequins, or markers.

2. Blood

Blood Crafts For Kids

The first plague was turning the Nile River into blood. Children can make their own "blood" by mixing red food coloring with water and then painting it onto paper. They can also add glitter or sequins to make it sparkle.

3. Lice

Lice Crafts For Kids

The third plague was a swarm of lice that infested the people and animals. Children can make their own lice out of pipe cleaners and googly eyes. They can also add yarn or pompoms to make them fuzzy.

4. Flies

Flies Crafts For Kids

The fourth plague was a swarm of flies that covered the land. Children can make their own flies out of black construction paper and pipe cleaners. They can also decorate them with googly eyes and glitter.

5. Livestock Disease

Livestock Disease Crafts For Kids

The fifth plague was a disease that killed all the livestock in Egypt. Children can make their own farm animals out of paper and then color them to look sick. They can also add bandages or casts to show that the animals are injured.

6. Boils

Boils Crafts For Kids

The sixth plague was a disease that caused painful boils to break out on the skin. Children can make their own boils out of red construction paper and cotton balls. They can also add googly eyes to make them look like angry faces.

7. Hail

Hail Crafts For Kids

The seventh plague was a hailstorm that destroyed crops and killed people and animals. Children can make their own hailstones out of white tissue paper and glue. They can also add glitter or sequins to make them sparkle.

8. Locusts

Locusts Crafts For Kids

The eighth plague was a swarm of locusts that ate all the remaining crops. Children can make their own locusts out of green construction paper and pipe cleaners. They can also add googly eyes and glitter to make them look more realistic.

9. Darkness

Darkness Crafts For Kids

The ninth plague was a darkness that covered Egypt for three days. Children can make their own "darkness" by painting black construction paper with white paint. They can also add stars or moons to make it look like a night sky.

10. Death of the Firstborn

Death Of The Firstborn Crafts For Kids

The tenth plague was the death of the firstborn sons of Egypt. Children can make their own "death angels" out of white fabric and black paint. They can also add wings and halos to make them look like angels.

These crafts are a fun and educational way to teach children about the Ten Plagues of Egypt. They can also be used as decorations or props for a Sunday school play. By doing these crafts, children can learn about God's power and love and how He helped the Israelites escape from slavery.

Related video of 10 Plagues of Egypt Sunday School Craft