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Craft 30 Unique Items In Story Mode

Crafting Table

In Minecraft Story Mode, crafting is an essential part of the gameplay. Crafting allows players to create various useful items that can help them progress through the game. The game features a variety of tools and materials that players can use to craft different items.

Crafting Table

Crafting Table

The first item that players need to craft is a crafting table. A crafting table is a block that players can use to access the 3x3 crafting grid. The crafting grid is where players can combine different materials to create new items.

To craft a crafting table, players need four wooden planks. Wooden planks can be obtained by placing wood in the crafting grid. Once players have four wooden planks, they can place them in a square shape to craft a crafting table.



Torches are another essential item in Minecraft Story Mode. Torches provide light and can be used to illuminate dark areas. Torches can also be used to create a safe area where players can rest or set up a base.

To craft a torch, players need one stick and one piece of coal or charcoal. Sticks can be obtained by placing wooden planks in the crafting grid. Coal or charcoal can be obtained by mining coal ore or charcoal ore with a pickaxe. Once players have a stick and a piece of coal or charcoal, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft a torch.



Beds are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Beds allow players to set their spawn point, which means they will respawn at the bed if they die. Beds can also be used to skip the night and make it daytime.

To craft a bed, players need three wool and three wooden planks. Wool can be obtained by shearing sheep with shears or killing sheep. Wooden planks can be obtained by placing wood in the crafting grid. Once players have three wool and three wooden planks, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft a bed.



Furnaces are important items in Minecraft Story Mode. Furnaces can be used to smelt ores and cook food. Smelting ores allows players to obtain ingots, which can be used to craft tools, weapons, and armor. Cooking food allows players to replenish their hunger bar.

To craft a furnace, players need eight cobblestone. Cobblestone can be obtained by mining stone with a pickaxe. Once players have eight cobblestone, they can place them in a square shape in the crafting grid to craft a furnace.



Buckets are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Buckets can be used to pick up water, lava, or milk. Water and milk can be used to replenish the player's hunger bar. Lava can be used as a source of light and heat.

To craft a bucket, players need three iron ingots. Iron ingots can be obtained by smelting iron ore in a furnace. Once players have three iron ingots, they can place them in a V shape in the crafting grid to craft a bucket.



Boats are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Boats can be used to travel across water faster than swimming. Boats can also be used to transport animals or other players.

To craft a boat, players need five wooden planks. Wooden planks can be obtained by placing wood in the crafting grid. Once players have five wooden planks, they can place them in a U shape in the crafting grid to craft a boat.



Compasses are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Compasses can be used to find the player's spawn point or to locate other players. Compasses always point to the player's spawn point.

To craft a compass, players need four iron ingots and one piece of redstone dust. Iron ingots can be obtained by smelting iron ore in a furnace. Redstone dust can be obtained by mining redstone ore with an iron pickaxe. Once players have four iron ingots and one piece of redstone dust, they can place them in a cross shape in the crafting grid to craft a compass.



Crossbows are powerful weapons in Minecraft Story Mode. Crossbows can be used to shoot arrows at enemies from a distance. Crossbows can also be enchanted to increase their power.

To craft a crossbow, players need three sticks, two strings, and one tripwire hook. Sticks can be obtained by placing wooden planks in the crafting grid. Strings can be obtained by killing spiders or mining cobwebs with shears. Tripwire hooks can be obtained by combining a stick, a wooden plank, and an iron ingot in the crafting grid. Once players have three sticks, two strings, and one tripwire hook, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft a crossbow.

Enchantment Table

Enchantment Table

Enchantment tables are important items in Minecraft Story Mode. Enchantment tables can be used to enchant weapons, tools, and armor. Enchantments can increase the power, durability, or special abilities of items.

To craft an enchantment table, players need four obsidian, two diamonds, and one book. Obsidian can be obtained by pouring water over lava. Diamonds can be obtained by mining diamond ore with an iron or diamond pickaxe. Books can be obtained by combining paper and leather in the crafting grid. Once players have four obsidian, two diamonds, and one book, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft an enchantment table.



Elytra are specialized items in Minecraft Story Mode. Elytra can be used to glide through the air, allowing players to travel long distances without using resources. Elytra can also be enchanted to increase their power.

To craft elytra, players need six phantom membranes. Phantom membranes can be obtained by killing phantoms, which only spawn at night. Once players have six phantom membranes, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft elytra.

End Crystal

End Crystal

End crystals are powerful items in Minecraft Story Mode. End crystals can be used to respawn the Ender Dragon, which is a powerful boss. End crystals can also be used to heal the Ender Dragon during the fight.

To craft an end crystal, players need one ghast tear, one eye of ender, and seven glass. Ghast tears can be obtained by killing ghasts in the Nether. Eyes of ender can be obtained by combining blaze powder and ender pearls in the crafting grid. Glass can be obtained by smelting sand in a furnace. Once players have one ghast tear, one eye of ender, and seven glass, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft an end crystal.

Golden Apple

Golden Apple

Golden apples are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Golden apples can be used to replenish the player's hunger bar and provide temporary health regeneration. Golden apples can also be used to cure zombie villagers.

To craft a golden apple, players need one apple and eight gold ingots. Apples can be obtained by breaking leaves or killing witches. Gold ingots can be obtained by smelting gold ore in a furnace. Once players have one apple and eight gold ingots, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft a golden apple.



Hoppers are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Hoppers can be used to transfer items between containers or machines. Hoppers can also be used to collect items from farms or mob grinders.

To craft a hopper, players need five iron ingots and one chest. Iron ingots can be obtained by smelting iron ore in a furnace. Chests can be obtained by combining eight wooden planks in the crafting grid. Once players have five iron ingots and one chest, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft a hopper.



Leads are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Leads can be used to tether animals, such as horses or llamas, to fences or other objects. Leads can also be used to transport animals or other players.

To craft a lead, players need four string and one slimeball. String can be obtained by killing spiders or mining cobwebs with shears. Slimeballs can be obtained by killing slimes. Once players have four string and one slimeball, they can combine them in the crafting grid to craft a lead.



Minecarts are useful items in Minecraft Story Mode. Minecarts can be used to transport players or items on rails. Minecarts can also be used to create automated farming or mining systems.

To craft a minecart, players need five iron ingots. Iron ingots can be obtained by smelting iron ore in a furnace. Once players have five iron ingots, they can place them in a U shape in the crafting grid to craft a minecart.

Note Block

Note Block

Note blocks are musical items in Minecraft Story Mode. Note blocks can be used to create a variety of musical tunes, ranging from simple melodies to complex

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