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Elisha And The Widow's Oil Craft

Elisha And The Widow'S Oil Craft


The story of Elisha and the widow's oil is a popular story from the Bible that teaches us about faith, obedience and God's provision. Elisha, a prophet of God, was approached by a widow who was in desperate need of help. Her husband, who was a servant of God, had passed away and left her with a large debt to pay. She had no means of paying the debt and the only option left for her was to sell her two sons into slavery to pay off the debt.

Elisha's Response

When Elisha heard about the widow's situation, he was moved with compassion and decided to help her. He asked her what she had in her house, and she replied that she had nothing except a jar of oil. Elisha then instructed her to go and borrow as many empty jars as she could from her neighbors and pour the oil into them.

The widow did as she was instructed, and to her surprise, the oil kept pouring out of the jar until all the jars were filled. Elisha then instructed her to sell the oil and pay off her debt, and with the remaining money, she could provide for herself and her sons.

Elisha And The Widow'S Oil Craft

The Lesson We Can Learn

This story teaches us about the importance of having faith in God and being obedient to His commands. The widow could have easily dismissed Elisha's instructions as silly, but she chose to trust in God and follow them. As a result, she was blessed with an abundance of oil that not only paid off her debt but also provided for her and her sons for the future.

Elisha And The Widow's Oil Craft

This story can be a great inspiration for crafting activities that we can do with our children, to teach them the importance of faith and obedience in God. Here is a simple craft activity that you can do with your children, using the story of Elisha and the widow's oil.

Materials Required

  • Empty plastic bottles or jars
  • Paper or fabric to cover the bottles or jars
  • Paints, markers or stickers to decorate the bottles or jars
  • Oil or water
Elisha And The Widow'S Oil Craft


1. Take the empty bottles or jars and cover them with paper or fabric, so that they look like the jars from the story.

2. Decorate the jars with paints, markers or stickers, to make them look attractive and colorful.

3. Fill the jars with either oil or water, to represent the oil that kept pouring out of the widow's jar in the story.

4. Talk to your children about the story of Elisha and the widow's oil, and the lesson we can learn from it.

5. Encourage your children to have faith in God and to be obedient to His commands, just like the widow in the story.


The story of Elisha and the widow's oil is a powerful reminder of God's provision and the importance of having faith and obedience in Him. Through this simple craft activity, we can teach our children this valuable lesson and help them grow in their faith and understanding of God's love for us.

Related video of Elisha And The Widow's Oil Craft