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Horizon Zero Dawn Quick Craft Arrows Ps4

Horizon Zero Dawn Quick Craft Arrows Ps4


Horizon Zero Dawn is an action-packed game that has become popular among gamers. Players take on the role of Aloy, a hunter who must battle mechanical creatures in a post-apocalyptic world. To survive, Aloy must craft weapons and ammunition, including arrows. In this article, we will discuss how to quickly craft arrows in Horizon Zero Dawn for PS4.

Materials Needed

Horizon Zero Dawn Arrow Materials

To craft arrows in Horizon Zero Dawn, you will need the following materials:

  • Wood
  • Blaze
  • Wire

Gathering Materials

Horizon Zero Dawn Gathering Materials

Wood can be found in forests, while Blaze can be found in canisters near machines or in certain areas of the map. Wire can be scavenged from machines or purchased from merchants.

Crafting Arrows

Horizon Zero Dawn Crafting Arrows

To craft arrows, open your inventory and select the crafting tab. Choose the arrow type you want to craft and select the "Craft" button. Make sure you have enough materials to craft the arrows you want.

Quick Crafting Arrows

Horizon Zero Dawn Quick Crafting Arrows

To quickly craft arrows, press and hold the triangle button to bring up the weapon wheel. Select the arrow type you want to craft and hold down the X button. This will automatically craft the maximum amount of arrows possible with the materials you have.


By following these steps, you can quickly and easily craft arrows in Horizon Zero Dawn for PS4. With a good supply of arrows, you'll be able to take down machines and survive in the post-apocalyptic world of Horizon Zero Dawn.

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