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I Am The Resurrection And The Life Craft


The resurrection of Jesus Christ is one of the most significant events in Christianity. It is the foundation of our faith, and it gives us hope for eternal life. As Christians, we believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life. This belief is reflected in our crafts, which are a way to teach children about the resurrection and its importance.

The Importance of the Resurrection

Jesus Christ Resurrection

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential because it confirms that Jesus is the Son of God. It proves that He has power over death and that He is the only way to eternal life. Without the resurrection, our faith would be in vain, and we would have no hope for eternal life. Therefore, it is crucial that we teach children about the resurrection and its importance.

Resurrection Crafts

Resurrection Crafts

There are many resurrection crafts that you can do with children to teach them about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. One popular craft is to make a tomb out of a shoebox and then create a scene inside the tomb with Jesus' body and the stone that was rolled away. This craft teaches children about the resurrection and the significance of the empty tomb.

Another popular craft is to make resurrection eggs. Resurrection eggs are plastic eggs that contain symbols of the Easter story. Each egg contains a symbol that represents a different part of the Easter story, such as a crown of thorns or a cross. This craft teaches children about the events leading up to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Resurrection Garden

Resurrection Garden

Another popular craft is to make a resurrection garden. A resurrection garden is a miniature garden that represents the garden where Jesus was buried. It contains dirt, rocks, and a small tomb. Children can plant grass seed in the dirt to represent new life, and they can place a small figure of Jesus inside the tomb. This craft teaches children about the resurrection and the new life that it brings.


Teaching children about the resurrection of Jesus Christ is essential, and crafts are an excellent way to do it. Resurrection crafts help children understand the significance of the resurrection and give them hope for eternal life. As Christians, we believe that Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and we should teach our children this essential truth.

Related video of I Am The Resurrection And The Life Craft