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In My Craft Or Sullen Art Summary

In My Craft Or Sullen Art Summary


‘In My Craft or Sullen Art’ is a poem written by Dylan Thomas, a Welsh poet, and writer. The poem was first published in 1946 in his collection of poems, ‘Deaths and Entrances’. The poem is a tribute to the art of writing and the poet’s dedication to his craft.

Dylan Thomas


The poem consists of two stanzas, each containing six lines. In the first stanza, the poet addresses his craft and refers to it as ‘sullen art’. He says that his craft is like a lover who is never satisfied and always demands more from him. He also says that his craft is like a giant who he must obey and serve. He cannot ignore his craft, even if he wants to.

In the second stanza, the poet talks about the importance of his craft to him. He says that his craft is his only companion in life and that it is more important to him than any other relationship. He also says that his craft is his salvation and that it gives him a sense of purpose in life.


The poem is a reflection of the poet’s dedication to his craft and his commitment to writing. The use of the term ‘sullen art’ suggests that writing is not an easy task, and it requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and persistence. The poem also highlights the importance of writing to the poet, and how it has become an integral part of his life.

The use of metaphors in the poem, such as ‘giant’ and ‘lover’, adds depth and meaning to the poem. The metaphor of the ‘giant’ suggests that the poet’s craft is a powerful force that he cannot ignore, while the metaphor of the ‘lover’ suggests that the poet’s craft is a source of both pleasure and pain.

The poem also highlights the theme of isolation and loneliness. The poet says that his craft is his only companion in life, which suggests that he may be lonely and isolated. However, he also suggests that his craft gives him a sense of purpose and meaning in life, which helps him to overcome his loneliness.


‘In My Craft or Sullen Art’ is a powerful poem that highlights the importance of writing to the poet, and his dedication to his craft. The use of metaphors and themes of isolation and loneliness add depth and meaning to the poem. The poem is a tribute to the art of writing and the poet’s commitment to his craft.

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