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International Code Of Safety For High-Speed Craft

High-Speed Craft

High-speed craft (HSC) are vessels that are designed to operate at speeds exceeding 20 knots (37 km/h). These vessels are widely used for various purposes, including passenger transportation, cargo transportation, military operations, and search and rescue operations. Due to their high speed, HSCs require special safety measures to ensure the safety of passengers, crew, and the vessel itself.

What is the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft?

International Code Of Safety For High-Speed Craft

The International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC Code) is a set of international regulations that provide safety standards for HSCs. The HSC Code was developed by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in 1994, and it was adopted by the IMO's Maritime Safety Committee in the same year.

The HSC Code provides guidance on the design, construction, and operation of HSCs, as well as the training and certification of crew members. The Code also covers a wide range of safety issues, including stability, fire protection, lifesaving appliances, navigation, and communication equipment.

Why is the HSC Code important?

Importance Of Hsc Code

The HSC Code is important because it ensures the safety of passengers, crew, and the vessel itself. HSCs are designed to operate at high speeds, which can create unique safety challenges. Without proper safety measures, HSCs can be at risk of accidents, which can result in injuries, fatalities, and damage to the vessel.

The HSC Code provides a comprehensive framework for the design, construction, and operation of HSCs, which helps to minimize the risk of accidents. The Code also ensures that crew members are properly trained and certified, which helps to ensure that they can respond effectively to emergency situations.

What are the key provisions of the HSC Code?

Key Provisions Of Hsc Code

The HSC Code covers a wide range of safety issues, including:

  • Stability: The Code provides guidance on the stability of HSCs, including the calculation of stability criteria and the testing of stability.
  • Fire protection: The Code provides guidance on the design and installation of fire protection systems on HSCs.
  • Lifesaving appliances: The Code provides guidance on the types and quantities of lifesaving appliances that must be carried on HSCs.
  • Navigation and communication equipment: The Code provides guidance on the types of navigation and communication equipment that must be carried on HSCs.
  • Crew training and certification: The Code provides guidance on the training and certification of crew members, including the requirements for HSC-specific training.

Who is responsible for enforcing the HSC Code?

Enforcement Of Hsc Code

The HSC Code is enforced by the flag state of the vessel. The flag state is responsible for ensuring that its vessels comply with the Code. The flag state may also delegate this responsibility to recognized organizations, such as classification societies.

Port state control authorities may also enforce the HSC Code. Port state control authorities are responsible for inspecting foreign vessels that enter their port to ensure that they comply with international regulations, including the HSC Code.


The International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft is an important set of regulations that provides safety standards for high-speed craft. The Code covers a wide range of safety issues, including stability, fire protection, lifesaving appliances, navigation, and communication equipment. The Code ensures the safety of passengers, crew, and the vessel itself, and it is enforced by the flag state and port state control authorities.

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