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Isaac Finds A Wife Bible Story Craft

Isaac Finds A Wife Bible Story Craft


The story of Isaac finding a wife is one of the most beloved stories in the Bible. It is a tale of faith, love, and divine intervention. The story is found in Genesis 24, and it recounts how Abraham sent his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac. The servant journeyed to the land of Abraham's relatives and, with God's help, found a wife for Isaac.

Isaac Finds A Wife Bible Story Craft

The Setting

The story takes place in the land of Canaan, where Abraham and his family lived. Abraham was a faithful servant of God, and he had been promised that his descendants would be as numerous as the stars in the sky. Abraham had a son named Isaac, who was the child of promise. Isaac was a man of great faith, and he trusted in God to provide him with a wife.

The Plan

Abraham was getting old, and he wanted to make sure that Isaac had a wife before he died. He called his servant and gave him a specific task. He told him to travel to the land of Abraham's relatives and find a wife for Isaac. The servant was to swear an oath that he would not choose a wife from the Canaanites, but only from Abraham's relatives.

Isaac Finds A Wife Bible Story Craft

The Journey

The servant set out on his journey with ten camels and a variety of gifts for the prospective bride. He traveled for many days and finally arrived at a well in the town of Nahor. It was there that he met Rebekah, who was the granddaughter of Abraham's brother. The servant knew that he had found the right woman.

The Proposal

The servant asked Rebekah if she would be willing to marry Isaac. She agreed, and the servant gave her gifts of gold and silver. He also gave gifts to her family, and they agreed to the marriage. Rebekah was a woman of great faith, and she trusted in God to guide her life.

Isaac Finds A Wife Bible Story Craft

The Marriage

Isaac was waiting for his bride when the servant arrived back at Abraham's camp. He was overjoyed to meet Rebekah, and they were married soon after. Isaac and Rebekah were a perfect match, and they had two sons named Jacob and Esau. The family grew in number, and they became known as the Israelites.

The Lessons

The story of Isaac finding a wife teaches us many valuable lessons. First, it shows us the importance of faith and trust in God. Isaac trusted in God to provide him with a wife, and God answered his prayers. Second, it shows us the importance of obedience. The servant obeyed Abraham's instructions, and he found the perfect wife for Isaac. Third, it shows us the importance of patience. The servant traveled for many days, but he did not give up. He knew that God would guide him to the right woman.

The Craft

If you are looking for a fun craft to do with your children, why not make a camel out of cardboard? You can use markers or paint to decorate the camel, and you can add a saddle and blanket. This craft is a great way to teach children about the story of Isaac finding a wife.


The story of Isaac finding a wife is a beautiful tale of faith and love. It shows us that God is always with us, guiding our lives and providing for our needs. We can learn many valuable lessons from this story, and we can use it to teach our children about the importance of faith, obedience, and patience. So why not take some time to read this story with your family, and see what lessons you can learn?

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