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Joshua And The Battle Of Jericho Craft Ideas

Joshua And The Battle Of Jericho Craft Ideas


Joshua and the Battle of Jericho is a famous Bible story that is known for the miraculous victory of Israelites over the city of Jericho. The story is inspiring and teaches us the power of faith and perseverance. It is a great story to share with kids and there are many craft ideas related to this story that can help kids understand the story better. In this article, we will discuss some of the best Joshua and the Battle of Jericho craft ideas that you can try with your kids.

1. Joshua's Trumpet

Joshua instructed his army to blow their trumpets to defeat the city of Jericho. You can create a simple trumpet craft with a cardboard tube, construction paper, and paint. Cut a trumpet shape from the construction paper and glue it to the end of the tube. Let your kids paint and decorate the trumpet as they like.

Joshua'S Trumpet

2. Jericho Walls

The walls of Jericho were an important part of the story. You can create a wall craft with cardboard boxes, paint, and markers. Cut out rectangular pieces from the boxes and let your kids paint and decorate them as bricks. Once they are dry, stack the bricks to create a wall.

Jericho Walls

3. Joshua's Sword

Joshua was the leader of the Israelite army and he carried a sword. You can create a sword craft with cardboard, foil, and markers. Cut out a sword shape from the cardboard and cover it with foil. Let your kids decorate the sword with markers.

Joshua'S Sword

4. Rahab's Rope

Rahab was a woman who helped the Israelites and she used a rope to lower them from the wall of Jericho. You can create a rope craft with twine and brown paint. Cut the twine into pieces and let your kids paint them brown to make them look like rope.

Rahab'S Rope

5. Joshua's Army

You can create an army of Israelites with paper and markers. Cut out figures of soldiers and let your kids color and decorate them. You can also create a background of the city of Jericho with construction paper and markers.

Joshua'S Army

6. Jericho Horns

The horns of Jericho were blown to signal the fall of the city. You can create a horn craft with paper cups, construction paper, and paint. Cut out a horn shape from the construction paper and glue it to the end of the cup. Let your kids paint and decorate the horn as they like.

Jericho Horns

7. Rahab's House

Rahab's house was the place where the Israelite spies were hidden. You can create a house craft with cardboard, paint, and markers. Cut out a house shape from the cardboard and let your kids paint and decorate it as they like.

Rahab'S House

8. Joshua's Helmet

Joshua wore a helmet during the battle. You can create a helmet craft with cardboard, foil, and markers. Cut out a helmet shape from the cardboard and cover it with foil. Let your kids decorate the helmet with markers.

Joshua'S Helmet

9. Jericho Collage

You can create a collage of the city of Jericho with pictures from magazines and newspapers. Let your kids cut out pictures of buildings and people and glue them onto a piece of paper to create a scene of the city.

Jericho Collage

10. Joshua's Shield

Joshua carried a shield during the battle. You can create a shield craft with cardboard, foil, and markers. Cut out a shield shape from the cardboard and cover it with foil. Let your kids decorate the shield with markers.

Joshua'S Shield


These are just a few of the many Joshua and the Battle of Jericho craft ideas that you can try with your kids. These crafts are not only fun to make but also help kids understand the story better. You can use these crafts to teach important values like faith, courage, and perseverance to your kids. Happy crafting!

Related video of Joshua And The Battle Of Jericho Craft Ideas