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Martin Luther King Jr Craft Ideas For Preschool

Martin Luther King Jr Craft Ideas For Preschool


Martin Luther King Jr Day is an American federal holiday that celebrates the life and achievements of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. It is observed on the third Monday of January each year, around the time of his birthday on January 15th. Preschoolers can learn about Martin Luther King Jr and his legacy through fun and educational craft activities. These activities can help children develop their creativity, fine motor skills, and understanding of social justice.

Martin Luther King Jr Paper Plate Craft

Martin Luther King Jr Paper Plate Craft

One simple and easy craft idea for preschoolers is a Martin Luther King Jr paper plate craft. All you need is a paper plate, some construction paper, scissors, and glue. Cut out a circle from brown construction paper and glue it in the center of the plate. Cut out a smaller circle from peach or light brown construction paper and glue it on top of the brown circle for the face. Cut out eyes, a nose, and a mouth from black construction paper and glue them on the face. Cut out a strip of blue construction paper for the necktie, and a strip of red construction paper for the collar. Glue them on the plate. Finally, cut out two hands from flesh-colored construction paper and glue them on the plate, one on either side. These hands can be raised up in a peaceful gesture, just like Martin Luther King Jr.

Martin Luther King Jr Dream Cloud

Martin Luther King Jr Dream Cloud

Another fun craft idea for preschoolers is a Martin Luther King Jr dream cloud. Cut out a cloud shape from white construction paper, and glue it onto a blue or black background. Cut out strips of colorful construction paper, and write or draw things that children dream about on each strip. These dreams can be anything from friendship and love to peace and equality. Glue the strips onto the cloud shape, and write "I have a dream" in big letters at the top. Explain to children that Martin Luther King Jr had a dream of a world where everyone is treated equally, and that they too can dream big and work towards making the world a better place.

Martin Luther King Jr Handprint Craft

Martin Luther King Jr Handprint Craft

A Martin Luther King Jr handprint craft is a great way for preschoolers to express their creativity and learn about diversity. Have children trace their hands onto different colors of construction paper, and cut out the handprints. Glue the handprints onto a piece of paper or poster board in the shape of a large heart, and write "We are all different, but we can all love each other" in the center. Talk to children about how everyone is unique and special, and that we should celebrate our differences instead of being afraid of them.

Martin Luther King Jr Peace Sign Craft

Martin Luther King Jr Peace Sign Craft

A Martin Luther King Jr peace sign craft is a simple yet powerful way for preschoolers to learn about nonviolence and peaceful protest. Cut out a large circle from white construction paper, and a smaller circle from black construction paper. Glue the black circle onto the center of the white circle. Cut out two strips of construction paper in different colors, and glue them onto the circle to create the peace sign. Write "Peace" or "I have a dream" on the peace sign, and talk to children about how Martin Luther King Jr believed in peaceful protest and the power of love to overcome hate and oppression.


Martin Luther King Jr was a visionary leader who fought for justice and equality for all people. By engaging in fun and educational craft activities, preschoolers can learn about his legacy and the importance of social justice. These crafts can inspire children to dream big, celebrate diversity, and work towards creating a better world for everyone.

Related video of Martin Luther King Jr Craft Ideas For Preschool