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Space Art And Craft Activities For Preschoolers


Space is an exciting topic for young children. They are fascinated by the idea of exploring the world beyond our planet. Space art and craft activities for preschoolers are a great way to encourage their curiosity and creativity. Here are some ideas to inspire your little ones to reach for the stars.

DIY Moon Rocks

Diy Moon Rocks

Preschoolers will enjoy making their own moon rocks using just a few simple ingredients. You will need flour, salt, water, and food coloring. Mix the flour, salt, and water together until you have a dough-like consistency. Add a few drops of food coloring to give the rocks their unique color. Once your dough is ready, shape it into small balls and let them dry overnight. The next day, your little ones will have their very own moon rocks to play with.

Cardboard Rocket Ship

Cardboard Rocket Ship

Save some cardboard boxes and let your preschoolers create their own rocket ship. They can use markers, paint, and stickers to decorate their ship. Once it's ready, they can climb inside and blast off into space.

Constellation Art

Constellation Art

Show your preschoolers pictures of constellations and let them make their own versions using black paper and chalk. They can draw the stars and connect them with lines to create their own constellation masterpiece.

Astronaut Helmet

Astronaut Helmet

Using a paper plate, construction paper, and glue, your preschoolers can make their own astronaut helmet. Cut a circle in the center of the plate and decorate the rest of the plate to look like a helmet. Add a chin strap using construction paper and wear it proudly.

Solar System Mobile

Solar System Mobile

Preschoolers will love making their own solar system mobile. Cut out circles from construction paper and let them decorate each one to represent a planet. Thread them onto a piece of string and hang it up for a fun and educational decoration.


These space art and craft activities for preschoolers are a great way to spark their imagination and creativity. They will learn about space while having fun and creating something they can be proud of. Give them a try and watch your little ones reach for the stars.

Related video of Space Art And Craft Activities For Preschoolers