Elijah And The Still Small Voice Craft
Children love to engage in craft activities, and it is a great way to teach them about Bible stories. One such story is about the prophet Elijah and the still small voice. This story is a beautiful reminder of how God speaks to us, and we need to listen carefully. In this article, we will explore how to make an Elijah and the still small voice craft.
Materials Required
Before starting the craft, gather the following materials:
- Construction paper (blue, brown, green, and yellow)
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Black marker
- Printed template of Elijah
Follow these simple steps to create the Elijah and the still small voice craft:
- Print out the Elijah template.
- Cut out the Elijah template and trace it onto brown construction paper.
- Cut out the brown Elijah.
- Trace the Elijah template onto green construction paper and cut out a small bush.
- Cut out a small yellow flame from the yellow construction paper.
- Trace the Elijah template onto blue construction paper and cut out a cloud.
- Glue the bush to the bottom left of the brown Elijah.
- Glue the yellow flame onto the top right of the Elijah's head.
- Glue the cloud onto the top left of the Elijah.
- Use the black marker to add details to the Elijah's face and hair.
The Story of Elijah and the Still Small Voice
The story of Elijah and the still small voice can be found in 1 Kings 19:11-13. Elijah was running away from the evil queen Jezebel, who wanted to kill him. He went to Mount Horeb and found a cave to hide in. God told Elijah to stand on the mountain because He was about to pass by. A strong wind came, but God was not in the wind. Then an earthquake happened, but again, God was not in the earthquake. After the earthquake, there was a fire, but God was not in the fire. Finally, there was a still small voice, and God was in the voice. When Elijah heard this voice, he knew it was God speaking to him.
The Meaning of the Story
This story teaches us that God speaks to us in different ways, and we need to be patient and listen carefully. Sometimes, God speaks to us through a still small voice, and we need to be quiet and attentive to hear it. We also learn that God is not always in the big and dramatic events but can also be found in the small and quiet moments.
The Elijah and the still small voice craft is a fun and engaging way to teach children about this important Bible story. Through this craft, children can learn about God's voice and how to listen to it. It is a great way to encourage children to be patient and attentive, qualities that are essential in our relationship with God. So, gather the materials and start crafting!