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Where To Craft Fishing Rod New World

Crafting In New World


New World is an MMORPG game that has been gaining popularity since its release in September 2021. One of the exciting features of the game is fishing. Fishing in New World is not only a means of getting food, but it's also a way to earn experience points and make money. To fish effectively, players need a fishing rod. In this article, we will discuss where to craft fishing rods in New World.

What Is Needed to Craft a Fishing Rod?

Before we discuss where to craft a fishing rod, let's review the materials required to craft one. To craft a fishing rod, players need:

  • Timber
  • Fiber
  • Metallic Ore
  • Flux
New World Fishing Rod

Where To Craft Fishing Rod in New World

Now that we know the materials required to craft a fishing rod, let's discuss where to craft it in New World.


The easiest and most common place to craft a fishing rod is in settlements. Every settlement in New World has a crafting station where players can craft items. To craft a fishing rod, players need to find a settlement with a workshop station. Once players find a workshop station, they can interact with it and select the "Crafting" option. From there, they can select the fishing rod and craft it.

New World Settlements


Outposts are small settlements that players can capture and claim for their faction. Outposts have limited crafting stations, but players can still craft a fishing rod there. To craft a fishing rod in an outpost, players need to capture it first. Once players capture an outpost, they can interact with the workshop station and select the "Crafting" option. From there, they can craft a fishing rod.

New World Outposts

Crafting Stations in the Open World

Crafting stations in the open world are scattered around the map. Players can find them in caves, ruins, and other locations. Crafting stations in the open world are not as convenient as settlements or outposts, but they are an option for players who are exploring and don't want to travel back to a settlement to craft a fishing rod.

New World Open World


Now that you know where to craft fishing rods in New World, you can start fishing and earn experience points and money. Remember that settlements are the most convenient place to craft a fishing rod, but outposts and crafting stations in the open world are also options. Happy fishing!

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