Jacob And Esau Craft Ideas For Preschoolers
As a parent or teacher, teaching kids about the Bible can be a challenging task. However, incorporating crafts into the lesson can make it fun and engaging for preschoolers. One of the most interesting stories in the Bible is the story of Jacob and Esau. This story is a perfect opportunity to teach kids about forgiveness, sibling rivalry, and God's love. In this article, we will explore some craft ideas that you can use to teach preschoolers about the story of Jacob and Esau.
1. Esau's Birthright Craft
The story of Jacob and Esau begins with Esau selling his birthright to Jacob for a bowl of stew. This craft is a perfect way to teach preschoolers about the importance of birthright and how it can be lost. You will need brown paper bags, glue, and markers. Cut the paper bags into strips and glue them together to form a long chain. Have the kids write or draw something important that they would not want to lose on each strip. This will help them understand the value of a birthright.
2. Jacob's Ladder Craft
After Jacob took Esau's birthright, he fled to his uncle Laban's house. On his journey, he had a dream where he saw a ladder reaching up to heaven with angels going up and down. This craft is a perfect way to teach preschoolers about Jacob's dream. You will need construction paper, scissors, and glue. Cut out a ladder shape from the paper and have the kids decorate it with markers or stickers. Then, cut out some angel shapes and have the kids glue them to the ladder.
3. Esau Forgives Jacob Craft
After many years, Jacob and Esau reconciled and forgave each other. This craft is a perfect way to teach preschoolers about forgiveness. You will need two paper plates, paint, and markers. Have the kids paint one plate to represent Jacob and the other to represent Esau. Then, have them draw or write something that they can forgive on the plates. Finally, have them glue the plates together to show that forgiveness brings people together.
4. Jacob's Family Tree Craft
Jacob had twelve sons who became the twelve tribes of Israel. This craft is a perfect way to teach preschoolers about Jacob's family. You will need construction paper, scissors, and glue. Have the kids cut out a tree shape from the paper and decorate it with markers or stickers. Then, have them cut out twelve leaf shapes and write the name of each of Jacob's sons on them. Finally, have them glue the leaves to the tree to create Jacob's family tree.
5. Jacob's Coat of Many Colors Craft
Jacob loved his son Joseph more than his other sons and gave him a coat of many colors. This craft is a perfect way to teach preschoolers about Joseph and his coat. You will need a white t-shirt, fabric paint, and paintbrushes. Have the kids paint the t-shirt with bright colors to represent Joseph's coat. Then, have them write or draw something that they love about themselves or someone they love on the shirt.
Teaching preschoolers about the Bible can be a fun and engaging experience with these crafts. These craft ideas will help kids understand the story of Jacob and Esau and the lessons it teaches. By incorporating crafts into your lesson, you can make the story of Jacob and Esau come alive for preschoolers.